If you have 2 or more chickens, which I would assume you do since I would never approve of having just 1 chicken, or just 1 sheep, or... well you get the point. So assuming so, and if you have children or want to enjoy some children like playing, which I highly recommend in today’s day and age of great responsibilities, then here's the game.
Next you'll need some treats for your chickens. Something like bread -- in small bites of course.... as we don't want to make the poor birds explode (I'm serious on this) -- works great.
The object of the game is to have your team get, I mean ingest, as many treats as possible. No, humans are not allowed to ingest... and no, not as quickly as possible. The other objects of the game are to increase patience -- by waiting for one's turn, to understand the value of time -- by appreciating quality of time with slowness rather than quantity with as fast as you can, and to be honest -- by playing fairly waiting your turn to throw the treat and keeping your own scoring.
Each team's human takes turn throwing a treat with the goal of having one of his/her bird ingest the treat. If the bird from the same team gets the treat, I mean gobbles the treat, then that team has a point. If a chicken from the opposing team gets and ingests the treat, or snatches the treat from another bird -- as sometime (yeah well often) chickens steal from each other -- and actually ingests it, then the point goes to the opposing team.
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