Winter - A Time for Planning & Building

Winter is a time of building, repairing, and preparing. The chores become simplified: feed, water, clean bedding. The real work happens on the drafting table, in the workshop and in budgeting and planning.

A brooder for the 25 chicks that arrive this week is underway. Wood products have been sourced for that and additional panels for the sheep shelter, which will be used for lambing jugs, as well as a new shelter for the six Tamworth piglets that arrive in March. Lambing season starts March 15th and we expect approximately 35-40 lambs. Planning for the processing, packaging and marketing of rabbits will begin soon.

As the days get longer and the new season is born out of the dark of winter, life will abound on the farm. But right now, the earth still sleeps, the sheep bleat and we stay cozy warm by the fire.

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