Stark Hollow Farm @ Burlington Farmer's Market

Stark Hollow Farm has been accepted as a day vendor at the Burlington Winter Farmer's Market. Expect to see us there, at Memorial Auditorium, this Saturday 10 a.m. til 2 p.m. December 17th.

We'll have our popular forest raised, heritage breed pork cuts available. Come see us for your holiday roasts. Delicious holiday hams, pork tenderloin, pork shoulder & loin end roasts, and all your other favorite cuts including both hot and sweet Italian sausages, bacon, pork loin chops, country style ribs, ground pork. We even have leaf lard for your holiday baking. Are you hungry yet??

We'll also have our gorgeous Icelandic rovings and pelts for sale...

Our small homestead farm appreciates your support!

Laura & Vanessa

Acorn's Bunnies!

Acorn has taken such good care of her little bunnies. They are growing strong and big. They are only a few weeks old. They are cozy and warm in their little nesting box. Four albinos, one brown and one spotted.

Running of the Pigs

Six pigs,200 lbs on the hoof each, running through the woods trying desperately to follow the sounds of our calls and the smell of their delicious pig mash to their new paddock near the road. It was several hundred yards of loud dead-leafed scrambling through thicket, down the gully, over the stream, through the cattails, across the field and back into the woods. It was quite an adventure for both humans and pigs. At one point they had all scattered and run off into different parts of the woods! Repeated bucket banging and calls of "WIGGERS!", their feeding time chant, finally brought them home. Those darn pigger wiggers!